普林斯敦大學道德哲學教授Harry G. Frankfurt是我心儀已久的學者,最近看到他2005年的新書《On Bullshit》,馬上找來放在身邊。這本近著奇短無比,總共才67頁,每頁約110字,往背袋裡塞,很快就找不到。
然後他找出之前最接近的論著,Max Black的《The Prevalence of Humbug》,先討論Humbug與Bullshit的異同。之後轉入Bullshit與Lying的差異。然後隨著Wittgenstein出場劇情開始精彩,先談他對「應如craftman般對待語言溝通」的看法與自我期許。接著引用Fania Pascal回憶1930年代在劍橋遇到Wittgenstein,交談中觸怒Wittgenstein被其責罵的往事。
Pascal的發言為了甚麼原因讓Wittgenstein覺得disgust?原因並非Pascal說謊,而是他對待語言的態度-- Bullshitting,Frankfurt藉Pascal與Wittgenstein的這段衝突,把之前討論的準備工作推向Bullshit氾濫的嚴肅課題。
然後他又巧妙地引用Eric Ambler小說《Dirty Story》中人物Simpson回憶兒時父親教誨的話,來說明到底Bullshit是怎樣的一種人格態度與文化風氣。
Although I was only seven when my father was killed, I still remember him very well and some of the things he used to say. ... One of the first things he taught me was, "Never tell a lie when you can bullshit your way through."
甚麼叫做"Bullshit your way through"? 我想Frankfurt要我們留意的最終就是這樣一個現象。「說謊話」與「說實話」都需要語言的craftsmanship,因為它們都受到規則與事實的框限。然而,Bullshit不同,Bullshit被當成是用一種藝術,一種創意,也因此有"bullshit artist"的這種說法。
我們的文化氛圍是不是越來越充斥著Bullshit?是不是越來越鼓勵Bullshit?Bullshit Society到底得了甚麼樣的文明病?謹嚴慎思的Frankfurt並沒有直接回答,但在本書的最後給了我們不少可以深思的精彩線索。
Bullshit堂而皇之在陽光下滋長的社會,人們對於探究truth、釐清rule、挖掘fact不僅不感興趣,而且採取一種擺明了與那些都不相關的「正面」態度來製造言語。推崇bullshit artist,或者批判truth utterer的偽善,是Bullshit社會的聰明人對語言一貫的姿態。因為,Bullshit的重點不在真切,而在效果。
"But it is preposterous to imagine that we ourselves are determinate, and hence susceptible both to correct and to incorrect description, while supposing that the ascription of determinacy to anything else has been exposed as a mistake. As conscious beings, we exist only in response to other things, and we cannot know ourselves at all without knowing them. Moreover, there is nothing in theory, and certainly nothing in experience, to support the extraordinary judgement that it is the truth about himself that is the easiest for a person to know. Facts about ourselves are not peculiarly solid and resistant to skeptical dissolution. Our nature are, indeed, elusively insubstantial-- notoriously less stable and less inherent than the natures of other things. And as far as this is the case, sincerity itself is a bullshit."
一旦權威者也連忙用反權威的方式製造自己為bullshit artist的另類權威,光輝與腐臭、謙卑與虛榮就只能如影隨形。然而,as far as this is the case, 我打從心底、用我自己的聲音,重複Frankfurt鏗鏘有力的反擊:
"Sincerity itself is a bullshit."
(註:此文亦收錄於Frankfurt的《The Importance of What We Care About》)
我有一次在電視上看到Frankfurt 教授的新書發表會/演講, 大吃一驚, 我以為他是年輕的punk 才會寫這種書呢! 印象最深的是有人問他是否知道bullshit的字源, 他笑笑說他有查OED,也有一些讀者寫信給他, 告訴他不同的bullshit來源的故事,但是他都不相信, 其中一個故事真的很複雜, 現在我只記得中間簽扯到船, bull, 動能, 和shit, 不過這個網站有有趣的bullshit 的典故:
Posted by: xuli | February 12, 2006 at 01:31 PM
Posted by: Icep | February 15, 2006 at 09:36 AM
過兩天法蘭克福學校要到敝校演講, 學長有沒有什麼問題想問他呢? 他講的題目是這本書, 第一次看到演講題目被打馬塞克 ^__^
Posted by: flyinsaucer | March 11, 2006 at 03:22 AM
Posted by: Jerry | March 12, 2006 at 06:42 PM